A MUSEUM DESIGNED TO CelebratE Dayton’s contributions to Funk music through immersive experiences
Key Features
A vision that personifies a future for the Funk Music Hall of Fame
Immersive experiences that explore the history of Funk music and it’s footing in Dayton
An interactive experience for all ages
The Need
The Funk Center’s museum board asked Tessellate to join forces to craft a vision for the future of the Funk Music Hall of Fame and Exhibition Center. Requirements include an immersive interactive design that could be used for community events and induction ceremonies. The board also requested that Tessellate help with their fundraising efforts.
The Approach
Tessellate partnered with renowned designer Tucker Viemeister to envision the museum’s future. Interviews and conversation with the community led to a preliminary content and narrative outline from which to generate ideas for the architecture and exhibits. The conceptual design creates a space where everyone is welcome, and where a wide range of events - from black tie events to informal concerts - can occur. In addition to immersive and interactive permanent exhibits, the concept includes a rooftop garden, a gift shop and cafe, and a changing exhibit gallery. Tessellate also provided fundraising experience through the creation of marketing materials, conference engagement, the design of pop-up exhibits and events, event attendance, and by spreading the word about this incredible project.
To learn more visit their Website and help us get this amazing project off the ground.
And check out their Youtube Channel for more information and interviews with Funk Legends.
“Every project begins with a strong mission and creative vision, and at this critical stage, we have been fortunate to have the expertise of Tessellate to guide us. The team’s passion and experience have been a valuable asset to our team. They are easy to work with, always have creative ideas, and the know-how to bring them to fruition.”
-David Webb, CEO
Completed - Anticipated 2025
Joseph Karadin - Lead Design
Tucker Viemeister - Creative Direction